All of the Sølvtrans-apprentices pass the trade exam

We are proud to have received the great results for our apprentices that have completed the trade exam in Haugesund and Ålesund. All eleven passed, four with distinction.

Sølvtrans is a wellboat company that through its activities and investments makes a strong contribution to local value creation and jobs for Norwegian seafarers on board their vessels. The company currently operates in all markets where Atlantic salmon is produced.

We believe that it is very important for shipping companies along the entire coast to be aware of their responsibility when it comes to making themselves available for apprenticeships.

After the apprenticeship, some will take further education while others will apply for jobs on board right away. We need to keep everyone in the industry.

Apprentice Guro Klette Leganger on board Ronja Vest.

Sølvtrans currently has 30 apprentices, and they make a fantastic effort every single day. These are people who will be able to fill permanent positions on future wellboats or other vessel groups.

We congratulate our apprentices on a fantastic effort and hope to see many of you on board our vessels in the future.


Two new vessels contracted from Aas Mechanical Yard


Ronja Vest delivered from Myklebust Mechanical Yard